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Price Change 2023

As we aim to keep the quality of our products & service consistent we need to adjust our prices.

Why is Swapfiets changing the rates for members?

We at Swapfiets remain committed to providing you the best, hassle-free service including repairs and replacements to ensure you always have a working bike. On our road to become 100% circular by 2025, we will continue to deliver these services and bikes in line with the highest sustainability standards.

Swapfiets is also facing increasing costs of labor, energy and materials. We are increasing our rates in order to continue to be able to offer high quality service and bikes.

When will the new rates take effect?

The new rates will apply per 1st of April 2023 unless you subscribed for a minimum contract period of 6 months. In that case the price change will apply per month 7 of your contract.

How do I know whether the price of my Swapfiets is changing?

If the price of your Swapfiets membership changes, you will be informed about this on the 15th of 16th of February.

In which countries will the rates be changed?

The new rates will apply for the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, UK, France & Austria.

I subscribed for a minimum contract period of 6 months (loyal membership), when does the price change take effect?

Your monthly price will be changed after your minimum contract period has passed. This means that the new rate will apply from month 7 of your contract.

I am not sure whether I subscribed for a minimum contract period of 6 months or not. How do I find out?

Please reach out to our Helpdesk. They are more than willing to provide you with the required information.

What if I don’t agree with the rate change?

If you don’t agree with the rate change you have the right to cancel your membership free of charge with a one month notice*. You can cancel your membership in our app or via account.swapfiets.com. Please make sure you hand in your bike (if you have an e-bike: also battery and charger) before or on your contract end date.

Why is my monthly subscription fee higher this month?

Swapfiets has changed the rates for members. So if your monthly subscription fee is higher this month, this is likely caused by the rate change. We have informed you about the rate change in week 7 via email with the subject line 'our rates are changing'.

This email was sent to you either on February 15th or February 16th. Should you still have any questions, do not hestiate to reach out to our Helpdesk. They are more than willing to provide you with the required information.